what i stand for:

Lower taxes

I stand firm in opposing any legislative measures that raise taxes on working families

Business owners and families trying to survive in this economy should not be burdened by unnecessary taxes. Our state is home to billion-dollar companies and some of the wealthiest people in the world. It’s time they paid their dues and the state stopped relying on middle and working-class families to give more than their fair share. The lowest-earning residents in Washington state pay almost 18% of their annual income in state and local taxes, while the wealthiest only pay 3%. I will advocate for a tax plan that puts hardworking people and small businesses first, not giant corporations and billionaires.

supporting unions

I stand for the rights of working washingtonian

Collective bargaining is vital to keeping power in the hands of the workers. Unions brought us the 40-hour work week, the weekend, and medical leave. Union members have higher wages, safer workplaces, and better benefits than non-union workers. Today the right to form a union is under attack by companies and corrupt politicians. I am committed to staunchly defending the freedom of collective bargaining and fighting for better working conditions, wages, and benefits for residents of the 39th Legislative District.

Abortion Access

I stand for every individual’s right to make decisions about their own bodies.

Individuals should possess the freedom to govern their own healthcare choices. The decision to have an abortion is a very difficult and personal choice that is between a woman and her doctor. Banning abortions will not stop them from happening, only make them more dangerous. Before the procedure was legalized, it was common for women to die while trying to terminate their pregnancies. We cannot go back to that horrifying reality. Women must have the right to choose. The principle of personal choice must be upheld. 

Increased wages

I stand for fair wages and proper compensation

Residents of Washington should be able to afford their basic expenses without living paycheck to paycheck. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case for many of us. Wages have stayed the same while prices are skyrocketing, and companies are making record profits. Workers deserve to be compensated fairly for their labor so they can support their families, save for retirement, and pay their bills on time. When I am in Olympia, I will fight to make sure that hard-working Washingtonians are getting paid the wages they deserve. 

Lower cost of living

I stand for keeping the cost of living affordable

Six decades ago, a family could buy a home, send their kids to college, and take a yearly vacation on a single income. Today, families with two incomes are struggling just to make ends meet. We need to make starting and running small businesses more accessible, bring well-paying union jobs to the region, and keep the cost of living affordable. I spent 14 years safeguarding the principles of freedom and opportunity abroad, now it’s time to uphold those very ideals here on domestic soil. 

FUnd public education

I stand for fully funding our schools to create a better learning environment for students, teachers, and staff.

Children are our future, and history has proven that a well-educated population is the cornerstone of a strong democracy. We need legislation to increase funding for education (to include education supplies). Teachers should not have to struggle to survive, and they should have wages to be comfortably middle class as well as have counselors in school for both the teachers and the students. I will also oppose any "vouchers" that seek to decrease public education funding as well as oppose any public funding for private schools.

I want to know what issues matter to you.